Xanthelasma Study - Trattamenti Plasmage ®

Xanthelasma Study - Treatment by Plasmage ®


The term Xanthelasma (Xanthelasma palpebrarum) is derived from the Greek ξανθός, xanthos (yellow) and έλασμα, élasma (foil), and identify a xanthomatous inflammation of the eyelid. (3) Xanthelasma consist in single or multiple soft yellow plaques/papules caused by localized accumulation of lipid deposits on the eyelids, mainly in medial canthal region of the eyelids. It can be bilateral. (4)

Xanthelasmata can be soft, semisolid, or calcareous. Frequently, they are symmetrical. The upper lids are more frequently involved than the lower lids. Often, the four lids are involved. Xanthelasmata have a tendency to progress, coalesce, and become permanent. (5)


Fifty patients were selected, with an average age of fifty-four, all suffering from Xanthelasma palpebrarum. A clinical evaluation of each patient was performed and all those who did not present contraindications to the surgical therapy were enrolled in the study. Il dispositivo utilizzato era Plasmage ®, di Brera Medical Technologies S.r.l., Italia.
Alla fine del trattamento, a tutti i pazienti è stato assegnato un test di valutazione della soddisfazione.



Based on our experience, we can state that plasma ablative surgery (Plasmage, by Brera Medical Technologies S.r.l., Italy), is safe, easy to perform, does not produce scars, and is good for patients.

This new non-invasive surgical thecnique is also indicated for therapy of dermatochalsis (blepharoplasty), and of most benign eyelid lesions, as squamous papilloma (also called fibroepithelial polyp or skin tag). Finally, Plasmage can be used for treatment of skin dyschromias, and smooth out wrinkles.

Surely, more studies will be needed to confirm our results, but the clinical experience to date is very positive.

Dr Jacques André David - Dr Dorina Cheles


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